The Media

Cooperating with the media is one of the key elements of our communication with the market. We therefore focus our strategy on long-term partnership-based cooperation with journalists, establishing positive relations and an open dialogue, which allows both parties to pursue their goals efficiently.

Our Media Relations efforts include:

  • Assembling a team (Press Office) dedicated to implementing the strategy of consistent, open and transparent communications with the media and other stakeholders interested in receiving updates on the Company’s activities;
  • Regularly updating the national and local media on important and interesting initiatives and plans by means of press releases, statements, subject matter reports, expert briefings, reports, presentations, data sheets, information graphics, on-demand summaries prepared for journalists, etc;
  • Organising special media events to acquaint the media with a given area of the Company’s operations or inform them about new portfolio products; such events include press conferences, briefings, press breakfasts, open door events, meetings with market experts, special occasion events and themed events;
  • Arranging interviews and individual meetings with members of the Management Board, executives, and experts;
  • Providing journalists with our equipment and services for testing in order to receive in-depth professional feedback on the new solutions and technologies implemented by the Company;
  • Accepting invitations to appear on radio and TV programmes, or to sit on the discussion panels of industry conferences and congresses;
  • Disseminating specialist knowledge on new technologies among journalists.