Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended

Note 31 December 2012 31 December 2011
Net profit for the period 598,298 160,190
Adjustments for: 244,920 210,727
Depreciation, amortization and impairment 11 243,066 174,880
Payments for film licenses and sports rights (177,868) (177,241)
Amortization of film licenses and sports rights 194,521 169,455
Loss/(gain) on investing activity (111) 1,187
Cost of programming rights sold 9,244 3,747
Interest expense 205,185 171,811
Change in inventories 16,173 (3,433)
Change in receivables and other assets (106,816) (63,732)
Change in liabilities, provisions and deferred income 67,872 (59,031)
Change in internal production and advance payments 2,093 6,513
Valuation of hedging instruments (31,345) 5,874
Share of the profit of jointly controlled entity accounted for using the equity method (2,897) (2,164)
Foreign exchange losses/(gains), net (111,076) 170,382
Compensation of income tax receivables with VAT liabilities - 6,264
Income tax 14 97,349 31,876
Net additions of reception equipment provided under operating lease (164,008) (229,353)
Other adjustments 3,538 3,692
Cash from operating activities 843,218 370,917
Income tax paid (78,733) (34,222)
Interest received from operating activities 16,882 10,351
Net cash from operating activities 781,367 347,046
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (54,937) (39,241)
Acquisition of intangible assets (36,240) (26,433)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 38 (45,711) (2,336,698)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 751 999
Acquisition of bonds - (14,684)
Prepayment for shares 27 - (12,000)
Loans granted (1,100) -
Repayment of loans granted 1,100 -
Proceeds from interest on loans granted - 1
Dividends received 2,706 1,305
Net cash used in investing activities (133,431) (2,426,751)
Net cash from bank overdraft - (18,041)
Term loans received 31 - 2,800,000
Issuance of Senior Notes 32 - 1,372,245
Proceeds from realization of foreign exchange call options - 2,480
Repayment of loans and borrowings 31 (453,324) (1,538,844)
Repayment of interest on Cash Pool (3,683) -
Finance lease – principal repayments (335) (512)
Payment of interest on loans, borrowings, bonds, finance lease and commissions (195,934) (289,899)
Other net financing outflows (71) -
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities (653,347) 2,327,429
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (5,411) 247,724
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 277,534 27,615
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents (1,769) 2,195
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 270,354 277,534